Day 237: Oh, Wife! (Psalm 124-127; 1 Corinthians 7:1-24)

DAY 237

Although the Bible tells us not to be yoked with unbelievers, there are nonetheless many marriages where one spouse is either not a believer or just has a weak faith. Sometimes, it’s because one spouse comes to God after marriage. Other times, one spouse falls away even if he or she was once a strong Christian. Or, sometimes, we just make bad decisions based on lust, need, or other circumstances and choose to marry someone who doesn’t share our faith.

I have met wives in all of these situations. Their despair is deep and their prayers are without ceasing for the salvation of their husbands. But for us women, to be the spiritually stronger spouse is difficult. After all, a man is called to be the head of the household and the spiritual leader of the family.

But if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, stay strong in your faith. May your faith be evident to your husband. Because I have also heard the testimonies of the wives who prayed – some their entire lives – for the salvation of their husbands and God provided. As wives, we are in a unique position to intimately know our husbands. We know how to build them up and how to tear them down. Use that position of influence wisely to shine the Light into your home and into your husband’s heart.

And if you’re single, pray for your husband’s salvation and spiritual growth even in this season. This man God has chosen for you, is out there somewhere and he desperately needs your prayer support.

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