Day 246: The L Word (Proverbs 3-4; 1 Corinthians 13)

Main theme of the day? Love.

Love is not just a word. It’s not something to be thrown around to make our hearts flutter. More so, it’s an attitude and an action. A loving person not only feels and exudes love, but also acts faithfully and works for the benefit of more than him or herself.

DAY 246

Many of us have been let down by empty words and repetitive thoughts revolving around love. Bottom-line: we have to be as intentional as possible with our words and thoughts because ultimately they lead to our actions and attitudes. We will fall short, but in placing our faith in the Lord and focusing on Him and His love for us, we craft Him into a vital part of our beings.

“Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.” -Proverbs 4:23

We have the ability to tap into daily newness in our loving relationship with God… (Check out Proverbs 4:18!) Maybe you feel thrown away or that your loving qualities have been hindered and hidden away because of harsh circumstances. Be encouraged! There is freshness and immeasurable joy in the love of Christ and all pursuing this is a day-by-day choice and process.

Do your actions measure up to your attitudes when it comes to love?

How do you show others your love for them? How do you show them your love for Christ?

Set goals for today on how you can pursue a loving attitude towards others to exhibit the love God has shown you in your life.


Day 188: Trials & Troubles (Job 35-37; Acts 14)

Everyone’s heard the popular question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” As you can see throughout the book of Job, it does happen. Bad things do happen to good people and it is seemingly without reason. In chapters 35 through 37, the rant from Elihu continues. Though his opinion aligns more with the three other “friends” of Job, he does make a couple of good points.

“He does great things that we cannot comprehend.” -Job 37:5

Amidst the trials and troubles we might face, we must realize the greatness of our God. Questioning the value of remaining constant in faith is taking a step further from our walks. Though it might seem that God hasn’t intervened in your life when you want Him to, does not mean he is uncaring. His timing is better than ours and although he might not immediately intervene to help, God’s plan will prevail.

God’s incomprehensibility can be frustrating. Even reading through the story of Job is exasperating as we wait for the silver lining. In Acts chapter 14, we read of Paul and Barnabas and their evangelical hearts. Despite almost being killed, their quest to spread the Word of God is stronger than any doubt to give up and give into their environment to make life a little easier. By encouraging each other in faith, we not only strengthen one another, but also help in sharing the gospel.

“It is necessary to pass through many troubles on our way into the kingdom of God.” -Acts 14:22

Are you struggling with understanding God’s plan for your life? What are some ways that you can help settle your mind and trust in His timing? (Spend more time in the Word, confide in a friend, etc.)

When was the last time you gave encouragement to a fellow brother or sister in Christ? Has your support of them wavered? Make some week-by-week goals on how you can inspire and reassure people in your life who are having troubles.


Day 168: Haters Gonna Hate (Nehemiah 4-6; Acts 2:14-47

Day 168

Opposition is sure to come when we serve the Lord, whether publicly or privately. In Nehemiah 4-6, disapproval grows as progress is made. In trying times, remember God’s greatness and that He sent you with a purpose to make a difference; furthermore, remind those who are helping you.

“I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials, and the rest of the people, ‘Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the great and awe-inspiring Lord, and fight for your countrymen, your songs and daughters, your wives and homes.’” –Neh. 4:14

Instead of focusing on the bad, there are two things to keep in mind when we are doing work we feel God has us called to: first, devote your work to His kingdom (Nehemiah 5:16); second, be devoted to your work (Nehemiah 6:3). Don’t be distracted by the discontentment of others, but be fueled by it. Ask for help from the Lord and rest in knowing He has your back and let your work ethic and finished product ultimately exemplify Him.

“When all our enemies hear this, all surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence, for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God.” –Neh. 6:16

The New Testament reading today pointed people to God as well. 3,000 people were saved in this passage. Take a second and let that soak in—three thousand. And they weren’t just a random group of people, they were the people of Israel. Isn’t it amazing how our God can take a cupbearer and make him a rebuilder of a nation (Nehemiah) and take those who persecuted His son and change their lives forever? That said, we must take note that the promise of God stretches to the least likely receivers of the gospel. We are not to be intimidated by opposition, but to take it as an opportunity to reach those far from His word and share His glory through our work and our words.

“For the promise is for you and for your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call.” -Acts 2:39

Is there a certain task or job you avoid because of the backlash it might spark? Is it the opposition or the difficulty of the job itself that is scaring you away from it?

What are ways you can begin to tackle that facet of your life to better glorify the Lord?

Day 167: Hard Work & Miracles (Nehemiah 1-3, Acts 2:1-13)

I tend to look at others in the church community and be wowed by their involvement. People who serve on a billion teams, worship leaders, prayer volunteers… the list goes on.  In comparison with these people, I feel average. Ordinary. So, where and how could I fit in? How am I supposed to make any kind of difference in the church, my community, or for His kingdom?

At these moments of overflowing insecurity, remembering who our God is can make a huge difference on our outlook. Let this be your reminder: Our God is not average and He makes nothing ordinary, including you and me.

In the first part of Nehemiah, we read the description of the broken state of Jerusalem. Hearing this news breaks Nehemiah down and shakes his soul deeply. Upon time in prayer and waiting until the right moment, he is given the opportunity to rebuild the city and head the project himself!

“So I prayed to the God of heaven and answered the king.” –Neh. 2:4

Here is my question: what rattles you? Because whether you realize it or not, you fully have the capacity in Christ to address that issue and change it for the better, to change it for His glory! How empowering a message! All it takes is our decision to start.

Day 167

Jumping forward to Acts 2:1-13, a miracle unfolds. What these two stories have in common is this: our God and His power. In the Old Testament passage, we see God’s feet on the ground. Our effort are required to make a difference for the glory of His kingdom. In the New Testament passage, we additionally see how incredible He is in providing for us as His messengers when we make ourselves available and ready to serve Him with all we are.

So don’t be intimidated by others in the church. Be empowered by them and take charge in issues that shake you. Even if you might feel small against an impossibly big task, remember you have a powerful Father in Heaven who provides endless support and awe-inspiring miracles.

What have you been thinking about getting involved in and what is holding you back?

What is the first step that you can work towards this week to start addressing it? Maybe it’s steady prayer on the potential issue, talking to someone (family, friends, church leader, etc.), or maybe it’s finally taking the leap and deciding on jumping into it.

Day 156: Purposefully Chosen, Indisputably Wanted (2 Chronicles 17-19; John 15)

Day 156

Here’s a concept that should blow your mind: you’re the answer to Jesus’s prayer. Let that sink in for a moment. Repeat it to yourself: “I am the answer to Jesus’s prayer.”

As Christians, we bow in constant thanks to God for sending Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice to pay for our sins; however, when was the last time you recognized that you are just as much an answer to His prayer as He is for ours? By living our lives for the glory of our King in Heaven, we fulfill the prayer of Jesus. When we build our lives exemplifying the love of Christ, we create a beautiful, Godly culture instead of conforming to a worldly one ruled by the judgment of society.

In 2 Chronicles 17-19, we are reminded of what it looks like to stay true to God’s will by Jehoshaphat, a man who continually sought God, walked by His command, and taught others from His instruction. By spreading the message of the Lord, Jehoshaphat was able to appoint and advise leaders on the importance of pleasing God, not people.

“Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the matter of judgment.” -2 Chronicles 19:6

Jumping from this excerpt to the New Testament in John 15, Jesus calls us to love one another and to look to Him for everlasting support. Living in submission to this passage unlocks incredible potential for our lives. If we move forward with our minds made up and our gaze set on seeking judgment only from the Lord, there is no limit to what we can accomplish and who we can reach. By remaining rooted in Christ, we are able to grow spiritually while fully enjoying the fruits of His grace; furthermore, we are able to extend this grace to others with full hearts.

“You did not choose Me, but I chose you.” -John 15:16

Never forget that you are no accident to God, but a gift created to bring His light to the rest of the world.

What can you start doing today to show others in your daily life that you’re a Christian?

Is there someone who it’s exceptionally hard to talk to about your faith? Pray over that situation and that God opens an opportunity and gives you the strength to be His messenger of love.